Energy and Natural Resources

Energy provision is one of the most pressing issues, in terms of global sustainable development, today. The issue becomes more pressing in light of increasing population growth, increasing pressure on energy resources, and rapidly depleting supplies of traditional fuel sources. Cambridge Consulting works in conjunction with clients (both in the public and private sectors) to develop sustainable solutions to the problems of energy scarcity and production. Cambridge Consulting performs analyses on a wide variety of energy provision options, understanding not only the benefits and disadvantages of each energy option, but their externalities, sustainability and viability as well. Cambridge Consulting will thus determine which energy option will offer the best value in terms of energy volume and price. Cambridge Consulting will also help the client obtain and implement this energy option.

Due to rapidly increasing population growth, in conjunction with diminishing supplies of energy, the demand for alternative, renewable sources of energy has increased drastically. Not only are alternative energy sources cleaner and renewable, but they do not impose a strain on the budget of nations suffering from significant budget deficits (such as Jordan). The staff of Cambridge Consulting have conducted studies on the demand for renewable energy in Jordan, and the impacts environmental awareness/neglect have on different sectors of the Jordanian economy (as well as the economic impacts of preserving the environment).
Renewable energy is one of the most promising emerging markets of the new decade, and Cambridge Consulting is posed to offer the guidance needed to obtain the most from this exciting opportunity. As renewable energy changes the structure of modern energy provision, as it becomes more commonly used and widespread, the costs per unit of energy will eventually drop, and the amount of energy supplied by each unit of wind or sunlight will also increase. Thus, renewable energy will be able to delivered throughout the year, not just in certain months. It is the target of world governments to make renewable energy the predominant source of energy by 2025. It is the target of the Jordanian government to have renewable energy encompass 10% of the nation’s energy mix.

Drawbacks and Incentives

While the advantages to renewable sources of energy are numerous, so are the disadvantages. Currently, such sources of energy are expensive, and without government investments, are economically unfeasible for many businesses (and most SMEs). At present, it costs approximately four times more to obtain energy from solar energy than fossil fuels, and twice as much to obtain energy from wind energy than from fossil fuels. Governments around the world offer a variety of incentives to households and enterprises to adopt instruments that would harness renewable energy, such as offering these instruments at subsidized costs, or offering low interest loans for their installation.

China Leading Solar Race

China has leapfrogged the West to emerge as the world’s largest manufacturer of solar panels. China’s efforts to dominate renewable energy technologies raise the prospect that the West may someday trade its dependence on oil from the Mideast for a reliance on solar panels, wind turbines and other gear manufactured in China.

The Chinese government charges a renewable energy fee to all electricity users. The fee revenue goes to companies that operate the electricity grid, to make up the cost difference between renewable energy and coal-fired power.

In the United States, power companies frequently face a choice between buying renewable energy equipment or continuing to operate fossil-fuel-fired power plants that have already been built and paid for. In China, power companies have to buy lots of new equipment anyway, and alternative energy is increasingly priced competitively.

But China’s commitment to renewable energy is expensive. Although costs are falling steeply through mass production, solar power is still at least twice as expensive as coal.

Enterprise carbon and energy management

One of the methods meant to promote environmental sustainability is the implementation of a carbon energy management system, which will allow the firm to accurately gauge its energy usage, as well as determine the true opportunity costs of energy usage. No other software application focuses entirely on energy usage and environmental care. Cambridge Consulting is able to utilize such software, in order to measure the energy usage of any organization, as well as the environmental impacts of such energy usage. It is through utilizing this system that Cambridge Consulting bases its recommendations, on developing sustainable energy options. This system also allows Cambridge Consulting to understand the true costs of environmental externalities, allowing firms to make the proper decisions with regards to energy usage, and its impacts on the environment.However, it should be noted that environmental sustainability must be achieved in conjunction with financial and economic sustainability. The services offered by Cambridge Consulting will ensure environmental sustainability, without sacrificing profits, growth or market share.

Global expansion optimization

No firm can remain static in the long term; every firm needs to expand its base of operations, and expand into other markets, in order to survive. Optimization is, intuitively, the process by which a company maximizes its advantages and potential, while minimizing its negative aspects. Combining these two strategies, Cambridge Consulting will assist firms in the optimal strategies for expansion, taking into detail the necessary considerations of the new markets and economies that the firm will be expanding into. Cambridge Consulting will assist in not only understanding the new market, but also developing optimal strategies for increasing revenue, minimizing operational costs and increasing innovation, within the firm.

Cambridge Consulting’s innovative staff will be able to find the optimal expansion strategy, for any economy, or for any market, by analyzing all the relevant factors and parameters, of the expanding company and target market.

But China’s commitment to renewable energy is expensive. Although costs are falling steeply through mass production, solar power is still at least twice as expensive as coal.

Water and waste management

The management of waste water is one of the most pressing development issues of our time. If not managed properly, it can be one of the main hindrances to urban development. The overflowing of wastewater leads to lowering living standards and increasing the number illnesses among the population, as well as increasing the burden on the public sector to deal with these consequences. The management of waste water could involve recycling waste water, or environmentally friendly disposal. A corollary to waste water management is sewer system management, a field which encompasses domestic sewage treatment, industrial runoff and other factors. The wastes from toilets, baths, kitchens and other parts of the household are usually pumped into a leech field, or pumped into the central sewage system. Large scale waste from industrial activities, is especially dangerous, with chemical pollutants and other harmful substances in the sewage. In many regions industrial waste water is regulated by the public sector, requiring a special license to operate.

Cambridge Consulting has substantial experience in this area, granting it an in-depth knowledge of the industry, and the proper procedures needed for safe disposal, both of home waste and industrial waste. Cambridge Consulting is able to perform economic and environmental analyses of current waste disposal systems, as well as potential changes to the system. Thus, Cambridge Consulting will be able to offer the most suitable recommendations, investments and upgrades for any issue related to this sector. All recommendations will be in conjunction with local safety and environmental laws. Cambridge Consulting will also be able to develop training programs for organizations and their staff, detailing the proper procedures to be taken to ensure that environmental sustainability is maintained.

Energy Consultancy & Procurement

Cambridge Consulting has in-depth knowledge of energy usage, understanding the demands and requirements of each industrial sector, offering clients solutions in terms of minimizing energy consumption, while at the same time maintaining quality and efficiency. Cambridge Consulting’s experience in the fields of electricity, natural gas, fossil fuels and renewable fuels allows Cambridge Consulting to offer accurate, timely recommendations, allowing the firm to minimize costs and maximize shareholder value. Cambridge Consulting has experience with energy sector issues, both in the public and private sectors.

Integrated supply chain management

The supply chain is the chain by which raw materials are converted to final products, from the processing of the raw materials, to those who develop the product and pass it on to each stage of the delivery process (factories to warehouses to retailers and finally to clients) It is in supply chain management that a firm can maximize its tactical and strategic potential, allowing the firm to offer maximum value to the customer.

Cambridge Consulting is capable of analyzing a firm’s supply chain, recommending applicable changes, or developing a new supply chain from the beginning. Cambridge Consulting will examine such factors as suppliers, transportation methods and routes, production processes and facilities, storage facilities and so on. Then, Cambridge Consulting will develop planning and scheduling for the firm, so as to ensure that the firm maintains current levels of production, or improves them.

Strategic planning, control and modeling

Strategic Planning encompasses the goals, aims and focus of the firm; it is an essential component of any firm’s functions. Cambridge Consulting’s experience will ensure that any guidance in strategic planning will lead to improved efficiency and revenue. Cambridge Consulting recognizes the importance of this tool, and thus has developed a system to determine each firm’s strengths and weaknesses, in conjunction with competitors abilities. Cambridge Consulting will analyze a client’s day to day running, ensuring that its daily operations are in harmony with the firm’s strategic plans, and if not, to offer solutions to align day to day operations with strategic plans ensuring that the policies of the various departments of the company are unified, instead of scattered and disconnected.

Change management

Change management is an important component of any business environment. It is the process by which firms empower their staff to adapt to new business environments. It also aims to ensure that changes are performed in an organized, controlled and efficient system, so as to bring about the most from change.

Cambridge Consulting can determine the company processes or practices that are damaging to the performance of the business, and develop new processes and practices, designed to minimize wastage and improve productivity. Once the changes have been agreed upon (which will include changes to technology, employment structure and operational facilities), the firm will then offer predictions, regarding the impacts such systems will have on the company. Cambridge Consulting will also assess the impacts of the changes, after their implementation, gauging employee motivation, and should employees see the changes in a negative light, address the situation. The final stage will be a point where both the management and staff are content with the changes, and performing effectively.

Alternative and renewable energy

Increasing energy demand due to dramatically population growth and reduction of petroleum resources had forced every country to produce and use renewable energy, energy companies face and address questions of critical importance to the economy and to all of our individual lives ;their actions affect the governmental foreign policy, the quality of the environment ,ability to travel and work ,the cost of everything we nearly purchase ,and the health of our families.

Cambridge Consulting can utilizes the benefits of using renewable energy sources. From an environmental standpoint (e.g. reduces air pollution), such as, solar, wind and water power. Unlike coal combustion power plants, no harmful exhaust is produced when using alternative energy generators. There is also no worry about toxic or radioactive waste products, as there is with nuclear power.

As shown in this article (Alternative, renewable energy) can play roles in global economy In the decades ahead, as it grows and refines the available technology, the cost per kilowatt-hour for renewable energy will decrease, and alternative power generators will become capable of supplying more power from less wind or sun, making them more reliable as a year-round power source. And its share generation would increase to reach 60% in 2025with roughly comparable contributions from hydropower the new decade has started on a more positive note, when compared to how the last one ended. In the first few months of 2010, the number of completed deals in the renewable energy sector more than doubled in comparison to the corresponding period last year.

China has emerged as the world’s dominant producer of solar panels in the last two years. It accounted for at least half the world’s production in 2010, and its market share is rising rapidly. The United States accounts for $1.6 billion of the world’s $29 billion market for solar panels; market analyses typically have not broken out military sales separately.

The perception that Beijing unfairly subsidizes the Chinese solar industry to the detriment of American companies and other foreign competitors has drawn concern in Congress. The issue of clean-energy subsidies is also at the heart of a trade investigation under way by the Obama administration, which plans to bring a case against China before the world trade organization.

How It Works

There are several ways to use the sun’s power to generate electricity. One of the most promising is called concentrating solar power. This involves using mirrors to reflect and focus the sun’s rays, providing heat, which in turn helps power a generator. Another is photovoltaic panels, such as the displays on the rooftops of homes and office buildings (some of these displays, especially in California, have recently experienced problems with theft).

Drawbacks and Incentives

The drawback to solar power is that it is expensive to produce: generating power from photovoltaic panels costs more than four times as much as coal, and more than twice what wind power costs. In the United States, the federal government and states have offered a variety of incentives to encourage homeowners and businesses to put panels on their roofs, and for utilities to buy power from large displays. Solar panels produce no energy at night, but that is not a significant problem because the electricity is often most needed in the daytime, when consumers turn on lights and televisions and air-conditioning. Solar energy is also used to heat water and pools — and of course a properly designed house will optimize the light and heat qualities of as it floods through the windows.

For now, electricity generation from the sun’s rays needs to be subsidized because it requires the purchase of new equipment and investment in evolving technologies. But costs are rapidly dropping. And regulators are still learning how to structure stimulus payments so that they yield a stable green industry that supports itself.

China Leading Solar Race

China has leapfrogged the West to emerge as the world’s largest manufacturer of solar panels. China’s efforts to dominate renewable energy technologies raise the prospect that the West may someday trade its dependence on oil from the Mideast for a reliance on solar panels, wind turbines and other gear manufactured in China.

The Chinese government charges a renewable energy fee to all electricity users. The fee revenue goes to companies that operate the electricity grid, to make up the cost difference between renewable energy and coal-fired power.

In the United States, power companies frequently face a choice between buying renewable energy equipment or continuing to operate fossil-fuel-fired power plants that have already been built and paid for. In China, power companies have to buy lots of new equipment anyway, and alternative energy is increasingly priced competitively.

But China’s commitment to renewable energy is expensive. Although costs are falling steeply through mass production, solar power is still at least twice as expensive as coal.

Enterprise carbon and energy management

An enterprise carbon and energy management system comprises an important tools and software solutions, designed to help the organization achieve total transparency and to really understand its cost of doing business. Prior to the adoption of these systems, diverse software tools would often not focus attention on pure energy efficiency and the need to reduce the carbon footprint.

Cambridge Consulting uses this system to understand what it takes to become sustainable and also to investigate the true costs of doing business, organizations are adopting inclusive systems designed to track carbon emissions and manage energy use.

As every organization must understand that carbon is now a cost of doing business. Cambridge Consulting being considered to create market-driven forces, driving the use of carbon down through out and out competition. Sustainable corporations will be formed across the wide spectrum of business, as every entity needs energy to perform, from the simplest organization up to the largest power plants and industrial complexes by this system we can get them on the right track.

“Sustainable corporations look for all the help they can get, as they meet increasing demands from all angles. Enterprise carbon and energy management system has arisen to fill this need.”

Global expansion optimization

Optimizing is the attempt to maximize system’s desirable properties while simultaneously minimizing the undesirable ones in other words getting right to the objective and reducing operating cost. and its one of the most important strategies for achieving the right portfolio of a company by utilizing all the facilities and locations of that company to improve global and local competitiveness. And it comes with creating a balance between lowering operating cost s, originating new revenue streams ,and gaining the attraction of innovation.

From our experience, Cambridge Consulting innovative thinking and ability to execute positions make us able to help executives in their efforts to develop and implement comprehensive location strategies consistent with overall organizational goals and values by studying all the parameters of that company.

Water and waste management

Water waste management is the field of handling waste water, to make it suitable to either be recycled into a water system or to be disposed of in an environmentally-conscious manner. Water waste management is one of the larger problems facing most major cities in the modern world, with overflow causing severe pollution problems and increasing population densities stretching existing infrastructure to the breaking point. Both mechanical and biological processes are utilized in water waste management, to get rid of undesirable particulate matter and to eliminate any potentially harmful pathogens.

One of the major fields in water waste management is that of sewage treatment. Sewage treatment covers domestic sewage, commercial runoff, environmental runoff, and more. Households produce sewage as waste from their toilets, showers, sinks, and baths, which is generally either pumped into a leech field on the premises, or else sent into a central sewage system. Industrial wastewater can be particularly dangerous, often with harmful pollutants added to the water and introduced into the sewage system. In some regions industrial wastewater is specially regulated, and may require a special facility to process.

Cambridge Consulting with our extensive experience in this field and has an in-depth knowledge in chemical compositions and its disposal; has a good background about the economic and environmental considerations of different waste disposal systems and can define the necessary recommendations to our clients, we have a solid foundation in the budget and financial requirements that will be utilized by specific waste management enterprise, we can recommend improvements and upgrades to recycling enterprises that meets local safety standards and environmental laws, conducted trainings and orientations to various agencies in the cyclic nature of the water system and its relationship to environmental waste management. As shown in this article (ecotilities)

Urban India has become a massive and perhaps frightening reality as far as waste management is concerned . This country can no longer afforded to allow urban areas constituting cities and towns of varying magnitude to take care of them ; they need the full and undivided attention of planners and decision makers for protecting the environment, aquatic resources and ultimately for better management and health aspects.

The Central Pollution Control Board realized the gravity of water quality deterioration instituting studies on waste water management in India with changing Urban pattern during the past 3 decades and highlighted the need for urban waste water management . The comparison of water supply ,waste water generation .collection and treatment during (1978-1979) and(1994-1995), indicates that the waste water management has increased from7,007 mld ,16,622 mld for the previous years respectively in class cities .

However ,the treatment capacity has increased from 2755.94 mld to 4037 mld for the previous years respectively ,which was only 39% and 24% of the waste water generation respectively .as per the updated status for the year2003out of 22,900 mld of water generated ,only about 5,900 mld (26 ( % is treated before being let out .the rest i.e., 17,100 mld is disposed of untreated . Twenty seven cities have only primary treatment facilities and forty nine have primary and secondary treatment facilities .the level of treatment available in cities with existing treatment plant in terms of sewage being treated varies from 2.5 % to 89% of the sewage generated . Partly treated and untreated waste water is disposed into natural drains joining rivers or lakes for irrigation or disposed into the sea by the municipalities ,hence further aggravating water pollution.

Capital efficiency

Cambridge Consulting can Understand energy use in all economic sectors and advise our clients on reducing their organization’s consumption of energy while maintaining quality and productivity with the lowest price . Our growing list of clients depend on the breadth and depth of our experience in the electricity, natural gas and fuel markets to help them to make real savings in what is becoming an increasingly complex environment. We work for purchasing departments of public sector bodies, government departments as well as a host of private sector clients.

Energy Consultancy & Procurement

Cambridge Consulting can Understand energy use in all economic sectors and advise our clients on reducing their organization’s consumption of energy while maintaining quality and productivity with the lowest price . Our growing list of clients depend on the breadth and depth of our experience in the electricity, natural gas and fuel markets to help them to make real savings in what is becoming an increasingly complex environment. We work for purchasing departments of public sector bodies, government departments as well as a host of private sector clients.

Integrated supply chain management

The supply chain is a network of suppliers, factories, warehouses, distribution centers and retail-ers through which raw materials are acquired, transformed and delivered to the customer. Supply chain management is the strategic, tactical and operational level decision making that optimizes supply chain performance.

Cambridge Consulting can upgrade your companies from scratch by defining the supply chain network, i.e., selection of suppliers, transportation routes, manufacturing facilities, production levels, warehouses, etc. then planning and scheduling the supply chain to meet actual demand.

And helps the clients developing communication and coordination theories and methodologies allowing agents to cooperatively manage change and cooperatively reason to solve problems, and deliver value at each step till the end of the chain .by that the company will ultimately find out the efficient, coordinated achievement of enterprise goals.

Strategic planning, control and modeling

strategic planning was viewed by Cambridge Consulting executives as the best way to ensure productivity and profits. as it is the process of defining the purpose and pursuits of an organization and the methods for achieving them. In short ,strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future.

Cambridge Consulting uses this process as a powerful tool for linking business functions and assessing a company’s weaknesses and strengths in relationship to its competitors’ strengths and weaknesses by making sure that day-to-day actions are consistent with established plans and objectives ,then puts corrective actions when performance doesn’t meet standards .so by that the company can do better job-to focus on its energy and ensure that members of the organization are working toward the same goals.

Change management

change management It is an organizational process aimed at empowering employees to accept and embrace changes in their current business environment as it is a set of processes that is employed to ensure that significant changes are implemented in an orderly, controlled and systematic fashion to effect organizational change.

Cambridge Consulting can identify processes or behaviors that are not proficient and come up with new behaviors, processes, etc that are more effective within an organization. Once changes are identified, we estimate the impact that they will have to the organization and individual employee on many levels including technology, employee behavior, work processes, etc.

At this point management should assess the employee’s reaction to an implemented change and try to understand the reaction to it. At the end , we make sure management and employee became well adjusted and effective once these changes have been implemented.